Lahore Journal of Economics

All articles that are submitted to the Lahore Journal of Economics go through an initial double-blind desk review by two editors. If an article passes this initial process, it undergoes a double-blind review in which an international academic and a local academic formally review each article. If the reviewers find that the article has the potential to make a contribution to the field of economics or business, the author(s) has the opportunity to revise and resubmit their article along with a document which addresses (point-by-point) all of the issues raised by the reviewers.

The reviewers for articles of the Lahore Journal of Economics come from the Editorial Advisory Board, comprised of high level academics from prestigious institutions in Pakistan, US and Europe.

There are no submission or publication fees for the Lahore Journal of Economics. Manuscripts can be submitted in electronic format (.doc and .docx only) to [email protected] 

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